HolyCoast: Wacky Father, Wackier Son
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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Wacky Father, Wackier Son

Actor Martin Sheen (you know, the guy who thinks he's the president because he plays one on TV) has long been an advocate for everything the crazy left could cook up, and now it appears the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. His son Charlie is espousing views on 9/11 that make his dad look sane:

Pay attention, civilians. Actor Charlie Sheen has been focusing his mind on the official explanation for 9/11. And you know what? He's not buying it. "It just didn't look like any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life," the Hotshots Part Deux star told a US radio station this week, "and then when the buildings came down later on that day, I said to my brother 'call me insane', but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition?"

You're insane. Next.

"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory."

But it is George Bush's assertion that he saw the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Centre before any footage of it had been released that tells Charlie he's on to something. "I guess one of the perks of being president is that you get access to TV channels that don't exist in the known universe," he continued in a manner which in no way suggests he once had a monstrous coke problem. "It might lead you to believe that he'd seen similar images in some type of rehearsal as it were, I don't know."

Charlie - you've never flown on a Boeing 757 or 767? The 757 has been one of the most widely used commercial aircraft for years. You really need to get out more.

And those 19 "amateurs" as you describe them were not amateur at all, but a group that had been training and conspiring for years. Pay attention. How about cutting back on the drugs, alchohol and prostitutes, and focusing just a little bit.

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