HolyCoast: The Ditch People Are Back
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Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Ditch People Are Back

The delusional Momma Moonbat and her band of crazies have returned to their ditches in Crawford, TX, this time to protest an empty house.
Peace activist Cindy Sheehan returned to Texas on Wednesday for another war protest near President Bush's ranch, although he was to spend the weekend at Camp David.

The anti-war demonstrators accused Bush, who has spent every Easter at his Crawford ranch since he was elected, of running from them and their message to bring the U.S. troops home from Iraq immediately.

"We chased him away from his ranch," said Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004. "We protest all over the country without him being in attendance, so I don't think it takes away (from this vigil) a bit because he never met with us anyway. It wasn't even like we ever sat down and had sweet tea together."

Yeah, right. The president, who has the resources of the federal government at his beck and call, is going to change his vacation plans based on the plans of a bunch of deranged protesters.

Sheehan must have gotten lonely outside the spotlight.

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