HolyCoast: Howard the Donkey's Brother Campaigning Against Lieberman
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Howard the Donkey's Brother Campaigning Against Lieberman

There's not a lot of love among the wacky left for Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, and there's no better evidence of that than the fact that the brother of DNC Chairman Howard the Donkey is actively campaigning against him:

At the Connecticut Democratic Party's annual Jefferson Jackson Bailey fund-raising dinner last month, James H. Dean was among the guests invited to sit at the table of Ned Lamont, a Greenwich cable television executive who is planning a primary challenge to Senator Joseph I. Lieberman over the senator's support for the war in Iraq. ...

Mr. Dean lives in Fairfield, near Greenwich, and he has known Mr. Lamont for years. But what makes his support for Mr. Lamont notable are his deeper, familial ties: He is the brother of Howard Dean, now the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

While Howard Dean campaigns to win control of Congress for the Democrats this fall, his younger brother is now chairman of Democracy for America, the liberal grass-roots political action committee that Howard Dean created out of his 2004 presidential campaign.

Now, James Dean is roiling Connecticut's Democratic establishment by working to deny the party's nomination to Mr. Lieberman, a three-term incumbent and the party's 2000 vice-presidential candidate.

Captain Ed points out that the GOP refuses to help the conservative challenger to RINO Lincoln Chaffee in Rhode Island who is a reliable vote against the president, while the DNC is tacitly approving the overthrow of a long time Dem Senator and former VP nominee overboard because he doesn't always follow the wacky left anti-war party line. After reading that you begin to wonder which party is the party of principle.

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