HolyCoast: McClellan Resigns, Snow to Replace Him?
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

McClellan Resigns, Snow to Replace Him?

Scott McClellan, presidential press secretary, is resigning. Michelle Malkin says the buzz is that he could be replaced by Tony Snow from Fox Radio. That would be interesting. Tony is very sharp and would be more than a match for the rest of the press.

Personally, I've never been particularly impressed with McClellan. I thought his predecessor Ari Fleischer was much better, and to me McClellan always seemed to be ill at ease with the jackals in the press. Though the coverage won't be improved with a new secretary, maybe the president's message will be better explained with a new person in the job.

UPDATE: Fox News says there are other candidates as well:
Other people have also been approached about the position, including former Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clark and Dan Senor, the former Coalition Provisional Authority spokesman in Iraq, who served the U.S. civil administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer.

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