HolyCoast: Realigning the Thrones
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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Realigning the Thrones

The Brits have an interesting problem in their prisons. The toilets are pointing the wrong way for their Muslim prisoners:
British authorities are spending taxpayers’ money to rebuild prison toilets so Muslim inmates don’t have to face Mecca while using them.

The Islamic religion prohibits Muslims from facing or turning their backs on the Kiblah — the direction of prayer — when they use the toilet, according to the Sun newspaper in London. Muslim inmates complain that they have to sit sideways on prison toilets to comply with that prohibition.

But now jail officials have bowed to pressure from Muslim leaders and agreed to turn toilets 90 degrees at London’s Brixton prison.

Authorities have refused to reveal the cost of the project, which they say is part of an "ongoing refurbishment.”
One of the local officers pointed out the most obvious solution to the Muslim's problem:
One Brixton jail officer grumbled: "If they didn’t get locked up for committing crimes they would not have this problem.

Rather than spend huge sums of money to change the toilets, why not just pass out flyers in the Muslim community that read something like this:

Committing Crimes = Pooping Toward Mecca. Your choice.

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