HolyCoast: Snow's Criticism of Bush - Update
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Snow's Criticism of Bush - Update

Yesterday I posted about some of the previous writings of Tony Snow that were very critical of President Bush, and how those statements would be resurrected by the press. From today's AP report on Snow's appointment:
Snow, a Fox News commentator and speech-writer in the White House under Bush's father, has written and spoken frequently about the current president - not always in a complimentary way.

Snow called Bush "something of an embarrassment," a leader who has "lost control of the federal budget," the architect of a "listless domestic policy" and a man who has "a habit of singing from the political correctness hymnal."

Bush said he asked Snow about the critical remarks. "He said, 'You should have heard what I said about the other guy.'"
That didn't take long.

UPDATE: The headline on AOL right now: "He Called Bush An 'Embarrassment'" Classic AOL.

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