HolyCoast: Was Rove Really Demoted?
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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Was Rove Really Demoted?

In the aftermath of yesterday's announced changes at the White House, many on the left were downright giddy over the fact that Karl Rove had given up his policy duties. They were declaring that Rove had been "demoted". I'm not sure that's accurate, and for the sake of the Dems, it's probably a disaster.

Rove is now free to do what he does best - politics. He'll be able to concentrate on the mid-term elections, and you can't forget that with his help, the GOP has picked up seats in both Houses, even when conventional wisdom said they shouldn't. Of course, the conventional wisdom this year is that the GOP will take a bath in November, but with Rove free to work his magic, the Dems shouldn't be quite so gleeful.

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