HolyCoast: Another Dem Tries to Get Republicans Elected
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Monday, May 22, 2006

Another Dem Tries to Get Republicans Elected

It's events like this that make me much less worried about the fall elections (from Gateway Pundit):
Representative Lacy Clay Jr. D-MO) gave such a hate-filled speech last Saturday morning at the University of Missouri St. Louis campus that he had to stop three times during his talk because the boos from the crowd had drowned him out! But unlike Murtha, Lacy Clay needed security to escort him from the building after he was through with his Bush-bash!

The angry left Democrats are so arrogant in their belief that all the worlds troubles should be laid at Bush's feet, that they don't mind ruining the graduation ceremonies of a bunch of college kids and their parents in an effort to vent their rage. This is not an endearing quality, and certainly not one which will attract voters to their cause.

One of the witnesses to this debacle adds this:
He spent a good five minutes talking about how President Bush lied, there were no weapons of mass destruction, we need to bring our troops home, etc. (the typical rhetoric of the left). He even gave the number of U.S. casualties to date. During this tirade many people began to boo and yell. At one point the jeers were so bad that Mr. Clay said "Now wait a minute, I have the microphone so you need to listen"

Once again the left demonstrates that it does not understand the right to free speech. Rep. Clay, you have the right to speak, but you do not have the right to be heard. The first amendment does not require anyone to listen to you. If your speech offends the audience, they have the right to stop listening and speak back.

The left isn't used to getting blowback from their rants, but it looks like Clay got what he deserved, and the publicity of events like this will drive moderates from considering shifting their support to the Dems.

Meanwhile, Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana has a little "culture of corruption" problem (the Dems favorite talking point of late). Looks like the canard that corruption only exists among Republicans is going to take another shot.

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