HolyCoast: Bonds Isn't Making Anybody Happy
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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Bonds Isn't Making Anybody Happy

Well, I should clarify that title a bit - he's not making most people happy, except maybe for the fans in Houston who cheered when Bonds was pitched at the other night. Mark Daniels takes them to task for their clearly rude behavior and has a few thoughts about the homerun record chase.

Be that as it may, Bonds does not seem to be doing his team any favors. How's this for a headline at MSNBC: Fading slugger hurting team by playing, but S.F. even worse without him. Sounds like everybody is just waiting for Bonds to hit 714 and 715, and then maybe then can get him out of the lineup. In the American league he could get his 4 or 5 at-bats per game without risking defensive damage, but if a player is going to get his cuts in the National League, he's got to be able to hold his own in the field. Looks like those days may soon be gone for Bonds.

No matter how many homeruns he ends up with, there will always be a stigma attached to whatever records he holds.

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