HolyCoast: Cosby Blasts Lazy Churchmembers
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cosby Blasts Lazy Churchmembers

Bill Cosby has been on the road with his "Call Out" tour confronting many of the problems in the black community. During a stop in Washington D.C., Cos took on churches that sit idly by while their communities disintigrate around them:
Entertainer Bill Cosby yesterday chastised churchgoers who preach religion but fail to confront problems that plague their communities.


"I have no problem with Jesus or God," he said in the afternoon as he addressed an audience that included many foster parents and grandparents and social service providers. "I have a problem with people sitting there and saying that Jesus and God will find the way. I have a problem with Christian men who won't dress up and go down and confront the drug dealers."

"I got a problem," Cosby added, "with people not knowing where the gun is hid and that the child has one."

Cos continues to be a voice of truth to the black community, and isn't backing down for anybody. Good for him.

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