HolyCoast: Kerry Is For the Fence Before He's Against It
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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Kerry Is For the Fence Before He's Against It

In a twist of logic that only John Kerry is capable of articulating, the failed presidential hopeful voted to build a fence that he hopes we'll soon tear down:
Sen. John Kerry joined most of his Democratic colleagues last week in voting to build a wall along 370 miles of the U.S.-Mexican border.

But he now says that after the wall is built it should be taken down as soon as possible.

"I voted for it," Kerry acknowledged Friday while speaking to the New England Council breakfast.

But in quotes picked up by the Boston Herald, the Massachusetts Democrat added: "If I were making the long-term decision, I’d announce, you know, hopefully it’s a temporary measure, and we can take it down as soon as we have enough people" to guard the border.

That is the height of stupidity. To spend billions to put up an effective wall, only to advocate tearing it down after we hire enough border guards is pure Kerryesque nonsense. Kerry is so desperate to make both sides happy that he comes off as a complete fool.

There's still no telling whether any fence will ever be completed. Lileks commented on the Hugh Hewitt show the other day that after they work out a compromise between the Senate and the House, the fence will probably be 700 miles long and 3 feet high. Sounds about right for Congress.

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