HolyCoast: The Next Filibuster Could Begin Today
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Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Next Filibuster Could Begin Today

The Wall Street Journal opines today regarding the case of judicial nominee Brett Kavanaugh who may trigger the next Dem filibuster:
It's merely taken three years, but Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is scheduled to come for a vote before the Senate Judiciary Committee today. Democrats are likely to oppose him in lock-step, and some on the left are urging them to use the F-word.

Anything is possible, but it's hard to believe Democrats are nuts enough to launch a judicial filibuster in the middle of an election year with a GOP President so low in the polls. Talk about a get-out-the-vote gift for Republicans. Then again, no one ever got rich overestimating the intelligence of the political class.

Kavanaugh is a highly qualified jurist who is certainly worthy of the position. The Dems are still smarting from Alito and Roberts, but are they dumb enough to start a filibuster in an election year?

Yeah, probably.

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