HolyCoast: NY Dem Candidate Slams Scalia
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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

NY Dem Candidate Slams Scalia

New York Dem candidate for governor Eliott Spitzer slammed Justice Antonin Scalia because the Justice believes in a strict constructionist view of the Constitution. Spitzer would rather have a founding document that bends and weaves with the whims of the times:
Democratic candidate for governor Eliot Spitzer on Monday criticized the strict "constructionist" view of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who views the Constitution as unalterable by cultural or social trends.

"As a citizen, and as the state's lawyer, I believe in an evolving Constitution," said Spitzer, the state attorney general, at the annual Law Day ceremony at the New York Court of Appeals. "A flexible Constitution leaves room for us to consider not merely how the world once was, but how it ought to be."
Just what we need - a Constitution that "evolves". That way we can write every new fad into the foundational document of the country, and change the rules as we go. Spitzer's approach to the Constitution is very dangerous, but is probably represents the view of most Dems.

Just as a reminder, here are two posts regarding Scalia's comments at different times on a "living" constitution: Here and here. Compare and contrast the two approaches and see who really makes the most sense.

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