HolyCoast: Republicans Not Welcome on College Campuses
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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Republicans Not Welcome on College Campuses

The college campus, which many love to proclaim as the home of free thinking and scholarship, have increasingly become the hotbed of intolerance - especially when it comes to hearing opposing views. There are more and more stories about students and professors protesting appearances by prominent Republicans such as Secretary of State Condi Rice.

Even media darling and part-time Republican John McCain is starting to get grief from the enlightened masses on college campuses:

For some students at the New School, in Manhattan, their institution and conservative politicians go together as well as Swiss cheese and peanut butter.

Bob Kerrey, the institution’s president and a former Democratic governor and senator from Nebraska, announced this spring that U.S. Sen. John McCain, the Arizona Republican and past and possibly future presidential candidate, would be the commencement speaker at the New School. Kerrey said the senator’s acceptance “is a big honor for our graduates and their families.”

But hundreds of students, staff and faculty members at the institution of about 9,000 students have signed paper and online petitions that seek to revoke the invitation.

Several students and faculty members pointed out that McCain has supported banning gay marriage in Arizona, and that, three days before his visit to the New School, McCain will be speaking at Liberty University, whose founder and chancellor, Rev. Jerry Falwell, has openly expressed his opposition to homosexuality.

“Up until a few months ago, I was happy he was coming,” said Anthony Szczurek, a New School freshman. “I think the thing that bothers me the most is him speaking at Jerry Falwell’s school.” Szczurek said that he thinks it’s not appropriate to have a speaker that is hostile to the gay community speak on a day of celebration at an institution with a vibrant gay community.

I don't know what these kids are thinking. Chances are McCain is going to side with them more often than he'll side with conservatives.

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