HolyCoast: What Is Wrong With These Pictures?
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Sunday, May 14, 2006

What Is Wrong With These Pictures?

Little Green Footballs has a post on an "Islamaphobia" conference that was held in Denmark yesterday. The conference included some of the following discussion topics:
Session 2: Islamophobia- Why is Islam perceived as a threat to the West ? Is it a clash of civilizations or is it just media perceptions or propaganda?

Session 3: Why is Islam seen as a dilemma in the West? Islam is a religion like other religions - Why is Islam singled out as a problem?

Session 4: Islam & Peace Personified in the life of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Session 5: Existence of Islamophobia past & present - How to counteract the propaganda of Islamophobia

This picture from the conference might answer some of the questions above:

And of course, the friendly greeters:

I can't imagine what the problem could be...

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