HolyCoast: 1000 : 1
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Friday, June 30, 2006

1000 : 1

Somehow I don't think the Israelis are going to go for this:
GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian militant factions who captured an Israeli soldier demanded on Saturday that Israel free 1,000 prisoners from its jails and end an assault on Gaza launched to win the soldier's release.

A statement from the groups -- the second since Corporal Gilad Shalit was captured in a raid across Gaza's frontier on Sunday -- appeared to cast doubt on the hopes of mediators that diplomacy could soon get him free.

Israel has said repeatedly that it will not consider releasing prisoners in exchange for the 19-year-old tank gunner. Israeli officials were not available for comment.

"We are declaring to the public our just and humanitarian demands," said the statement faxed to news agencies by the armed wing of the governing Hamas Islamist group, the Popular Resistance Committees and Army of Islam.

While 1000 to 1 sounds about right in terms of relative worth, the Israelis don't bargain for their captives - they just go get them. And if it appears that negotiation is useless, they won't wait much longer.

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