HolyCoast: Al Gore and the Disciples
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Al Gore and the Disciples

Al Gore, the modern Messiah of global warming, has announced plans to recruit 1,000 disciples to go forth into all the world and preach the Gorespel:
Al Gore hopes to train 1,000 messengers he hopes will spread out across the country and present a slide show about global warming that captures the essence of his Hollywood documentary and book.

The former vice president, a Democrat, said on Monday that by the end of the summer he would start a bipartisan education campaign to train 1,000 people to give a version of his slide show on global warming featured in the film "An Inconvenient Truth" and book of the same name.

"This moment cannot be allowed to pass," Gore told reporters in New York. "I have seen and heard times before when the awareness of the climate crisis has peaked and then a few months later it's gone. I think this time is different, but I have to say I'm not certain of that."

Unless he's planning to have them baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Coast, I'm not signing up.

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