HolyCoast: Dumbest Press Questions of the Day
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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Dumbest Press Questions of the Day

We have two nominations for dumbest press questions of the day in regards to the 500 pound enema adminstered to al-Zarqawi earlier today. The first comes courtesy of Michelle Malkin:
Dumbest question from the WH press briefing:

Will the Zarqawi success help the President on immigration?

Snow's response (with admirable restraint, but detectable contempt): "I don't know."

Well, I guess this will keep Zarqawi from immigrating.

The second one was asked to Donald Rumsfeld, and although I didn't get the entire question, it started out like this:
The death of Zarqawi is a "symbolic" victory....
I would have stopped the guy right there and answered it like this:
Zarqawi's death is not a "symbolic" victory. It's a "real" victory. Zarqawi is not "symbolically" dead...he's "really" dead. Next question.
You have to feel sorry for the press today. They're working as hard as they can to spin this as less than a victory for Bush, and to find any way they can to make this a net negative for the Administration and the war on terror.

According to Rush this morning, they got Zarqawi thanks to a detainee who told them about his spiritual advisor, and by following the advisor they found Zarqawi. How long until someone in the press asks if the detainee was tortured?

And if you really want some entertainment, check out some of the angry left sites. Those people are going absolutely nuts trying to come up with all kinds of Rove-based conspiracy theories. The timing of the attack was perfect, as it occurred just as the angry left bloggers were gathering in Las Vegas. That'll keep them busy while they're all together.

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