HolyCoast: The House GOP is Still Afraid of The Times
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Thursday, June 29, 2006

The House GOP is Still Afraid of The Times

It became clear during a radio interview by Hugh Hewitt that the Republican majority in the House is scared to death of the New York Times. They are proposing a resolution to condemn the leaks of classified information and publication thereof, and yet refuse to name the papers that did the publishing. Hugh's on the warpath.

If this had been only the first instance of the Times damaging national security by publishing secret anti-terrorism programs, I could see how the House might be reluctant to throw them under the bus. But this is not the first time, and probably won't be the last time. Although a "sense of the House" resolution carries no legal force, it would be an appropriate slap in the face to the Grey Lady. At this point the House GOP leadership looks pretty impotent.

Perhaps Rush can send up a supply of his little blue pills.

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