HolyCoast: Is Colorado the New Arkansas?
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Friday, June 16, 2006

Is Colorado the New Arkansas?

There's an old Arkansas joke: If a 15 year-old boy marries his 13 year-old girlfriend, are they still brother and sister?

Colorado seems to be making a run for the child bride title with this latest court ruling:
A 15-year-old girl can enter into a common-law marriage in Colorado, and younger girls and boys possibly can, too, a state appeals court ruled Thursday.

While the three-judge panel stopped short of setting a specific minimum age for such marriages, it said they could be legal for girls at 12 and boys at 14 under English common law, which Colorado recognizes.

The ruling overturned a lower-court judge's decision that a girl, now older than 18, was too young to marry at 15.

Some months ago I reported on the very liberal drug laws passed in Denver. Could these developments be connected?

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