HolyCoast: The New Willie Horton?
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Friday, June 30, 2006

The New Willie Horton?

Chuckie Schumer is upset with the GOP because they may have another winning issue in immigration:
Democrats leading their party's midterm election effort argued on Thursday that any Republican attempt to use immigration as a central campaign issue would backfire.

They cited Republican plans to hold hearings on illegal immigration around the country this summer, rather than passing immigration legislation in Congress, as a sign of the GOP strategy to motivate conservative voters.

"Republicans want to use this like Willie Horton in 1988 and gay marriage in 2004," said Sen. Charles Schumer, chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. "It's no secret they want to use immigration as a political cudgel."

Chuckie knows his side is not on the side of most Americans on immigration, and if that issue works as well as Willie Horton or gay marriage, it will be an excellent campaign tool for the GOP.

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