HolyCoast: Part-Time Democrat Wins Senate Primary in VA
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Part-Time Democrat Wins Senate Primary in VA

The Dem voters in Virginia chose to go with a part-time Democrat to run against the full-time Republican Sen. George Allen:
Virginia Democrats yesterday chose Vietnam War hero James Webb to challenge Sen. George Allen (R), siding with their party's national leadership, which had declared the former Republican to be the only candidate with a chance to beat Allen in November.

Webb's support from Democratic senators such as 2004 presidential nominee John F. Kerry (Mass.) swamped the textbook campaign of his opponent, former lobbyist Harris Miller, who used $1 million of his own money to question Webb's commitment to the Democratic Party's core principles.

Webb has still got some lingering problems thanks to his campaign's questionably anti-Semitic primary mailer. That and the fact that he's only a recent convert to the Dem party makes me wonder whether he'll be able to attract Republicans, which he will need in order to beat Allen.

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