HolyCoast: Armed Citizen Stops Stabbing Spree
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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Armed Citizen Stops Stabbing Spree

I've long been in favor of right-to-carry concealed weapons laws for those citizens who have demonstrated their fitness to carry guns. As has been shown in numerous studies, more guns usually means less crime. As they say, an armed society is a polite society.

In Memphis, TN a grocery store worker decided to go on a stabbing spree against his fellow workers...until a citizen armed himself and stopped the crime spree:
A knife-wielding grocery store employee attacked eight co-workers Friday, seriously injuring five before a witness pulled a gun and stopped him, police said.

The 21-year-old suspect, whose name was withheld pending charges, was arrested and then taken to a hospital after complaining of chest pains, Memphis Police Sgt. Vince Higgins said. The attack apparently stemmed from a work dispute, police said.

Five victims, one in critical condition, were admitted to the Regional Medical Center, the main trauma hospital for the Memphis area. Three others were less badly hurt and treated at another hospital.

The attacker, chasing one victim into the store's parking lot, was subdued by Chris Cope, manager of a financial services office in the same small shopping center, Higgins said.

Cope said he grabbed a 9mm semiautomatic pistol from his pickup truck when he saw the attacker chasing the victim "like something in a serial killer movie."

"When he turned around and saw my pistol, he threw the knife away, put his hands up and got on the ground," Cope told The Associated Press. "He saw my gun and that was pretty much it."

I wonder how many violent crimes could be stopped or prevented outright by citizens carrying licensed concealed weapons. Critics, such as those in control in California who won't allow concealed weapons, are panicked that a public armed with more weapons would turn every argument into a gun battle. That, however, hasn't happened in any other state where concealed carry laws exist.

Of course, they don't let facts get in the way of fear and emotions. Instead, they're content to allow thousands of armed gang members and criminals on the street where they can prey on innocent folks, reasonably confident that the innocents are unarmed.

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