HolyCoast: Bolton Slaps Down Kerry
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Bolton Slaps Down Kerry

I hope you saw the video of the exchange between John Bolton and John Kerry during the confirmation hearing yesterday. It was classic. Here's a bit of the transcript of a key moment (h/t Gateway Pundit):
FoxNews Reporter: Democrats like John Kerry have vowed to fight the nomination (of John Bolton). Kerry showed up at the very last minute of today's hearing and it turned into a barbed exchange between the Bush Administration's attempt to engage North Korea in 6 party talks:

John Kerry: This has been going on for five years, Mr. Ambassador.

John Bolton: It's the nature of multilateral negotiations, Senator.

John Kerry: Why not engage in a bilateral one and get the job done? That's what the Clinton Administration did.

John Bolton: And, very poorly since the North Koreans violated the agreed framework almost from the time it was signed.

That'll leave a mark. And of course, as Gateway Pundit points out, Kerry is the guy who blasted Bush in 2004 for acting unilaterally.

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