HolyCoast: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

The Massachusetts couple whose lawsuit ended up creating legalized gay marriage in that state has broken up:
The lesbian couple whose landmark lawsuit helped Massachusetts become the only state in America where same-sex couples can marry legally have split up, a spokeswoman said on Friday.

Julie and Hillary Goodridge and six other gay and lesbian couples sued Massachusetts for the right to marry and won when the state's highest court ruled narrowly for them in 2003.

Their suit helped spark a nationwide debate on gay marriage.

The women "are amicably living apart," Mary Breslauer, a spokeswoman for the couple said. "As always their number one priority is raising their daughter, and like the other plaintiff couples in this case, they made an enormous contribution toward equal marriage. But they are no longer in the public eye, and request that their privacy be respected."

They have not filed for divorce.

But they probably will.

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