HolyCoast: Caution: Sporadic Blogging Ahead
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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Caution: Sporadic Blogging Ahead

For the next six days I'll be on the Tour de California, not a bike race as in the Tour de France, but a 1,200 mile road trip up to Northern California to visit Sonoma State University (about 50 miles north of San Francisco). During the trip we'll overnight in three different cities and will try to get some pictures along the way. I'll try to post daily updates on the trip as well as other blogging items as I get time. I made sure each hotel has high speed internet, so I should be able to keep up with my regular reading.

This is kind of a different family vacation for us since one of our happy band is missing. The boy flew to Oklahoma yesterday and will be spending the next nine days with some of my family members in the Bethany area. That trip sounded a lot more fun than sitting in the car for many miles and seeing stuff the girls wanted to see (I almost went with him).

First stop will be in Solvang, the little Danish themed town north of Santa Barbara. More info tonight.

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