HolyCoast: Christian Blah Store
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Christian Blah Store

My pastor friend Mark Daniels has a great post about a trip to the "Family Christian Store" in his neck of Ohio. I think the same could be said about Christian book stores across the country:
First, I went through the CDs. At one time, I was an aficionado of Christian contemporary music. There were musicians actually doing stuff that was both faithful to Christ and artistically interesting. You could hear edgy sounds and clever, meaningful lyrics in a variety of genres: rock, altrock, rap, ska. It was fun!

But now the whole thing has gotten homogenized. It probably started a few years ago, when someone had the idea of issuing a "praise and worship" CD. It was successful and after that, it seems everybody in the industry was doing the same thing. Most of the music referred to as "praise and worship" these days can be boiled down to variations of, "I love You, Jesus" repeated twenty-seven million times. "Just check your brain in at the church door," this music seems to tell us. "Let's all get goosebumps." This stuff is less adoration than it is addiction.

I couldn't agree more. Read the whole thing.

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