HolyCoast: A Conservative....on Network TV?
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Conservative....on Network TV?

I'm not sure if this is a sign of the Apocalypse or what:
ABC reportedly has huge hopes for a new series to air this fall called "Brothers & Sisters," which will follow the hit "Desperate Housewives. Calista Flockhart, best known as Ally McBeal, plays a conservative newspaper pundit. Others in the high-powered cast include Patricia Wettig, Rachel Griffiths, Ron Rifkin and Sally Field.

Asked to describe the pundit, producer Ken Olin (formerly a star of “Thirty Something’) said, "She's not Ann Coulter. She's not insane," according to a story by Dave Walker of New Orleans’ Times-Picayune.

Writer Jon Robin Baitz added, "No, I think she's a thoughtful conservative. She's ideologically, in some respects, very much in mind with the older parts of the party, the sort of Eisenhower Republican, the William Buckley conservative. She's also a humanist.

"She's not someone who is apologetic about being a conservative. But it's very, very interesting and compelling to us to try and understand this, to leave behind some of the smug presuppositions of the two coasts, . . . to look at evolving patriotism and evolving traditionalism.

"For years and years, the left has looked at the right in complete incomprehension and felt, 'We just can't connect.' And maybe there's an effort in the show to try and bridge that in some way.”

We'll see just how conservative she really is after the network production chiefs get done with her. Also, let's not forget that this is the same network that brought us "Commander-in-Chief" with Geena Davis as the President. That show died a quick death.

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