HolyCoast: Dems Dust Off 1992 Message and Call It New
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dems Dust Off 1992 Message and Call It New

After spending millions of dollars on focus groups and other research designed to help Dems figure out what they believe and what they stand for, this is what they've come up with:
Reworking a line from her husband's 1992 campaign, she (Hillary Clinton) said the rallying cry for Democrats this fall should be: "It's the American Dream, stupid."

Wow, that was money well spent. Doesn't that make your heart go pitter-patter? The Dems are in for a long year if that's the best they've got.

And then there's this innovative campaign tactic from a Dem Senatorial candidate in Maryland:
Josh Rales, a Democratic candidate for Maryland's U.S. Senate seat, paid a drug-treatment center in Baltimore to drive its recovering addicts to last week's debate in College Park, where they held signs supporting his campaign.

Of course, after reading the first item about the new campaign slogan you have to believe they're all on drugs.

It's going to be a fun mid-term election.

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