HolyCoast: Global Storming
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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Global Storming

It was kind of a quiet day on the blog today because we've been on the road all day to my father-in-law's house near Ventura, CA. It was another weird weather day in Southern California.

I got up about 6 this morning and could have sworn I was in Florida. It was 80 degrees with humidity that would drown a fish. The forecast for the day was more heat and possibly more storms.

We left around 10, and right before we headed out I checked the radar and found a good sized storm which had built up just north of us and was tracking right up the I-5. The radar returns showed heavy rain and we could hear the lightning static on the car radio as we pulled out. Sure enough, within about 10 miles we started hitting rain and had a pretty good lightning show with bolts hitting around and over us for the next 25 miles. We passed several accidents on the way (California drivers do not know how to drive on wet freeways) and finally got out of the rain by the time we got to Los Angeles. At that point, the outside air temperature reading ont he car was 78 degrees. Not bad at all.

Forty miles later we headed west on the 126 from the I-5 (near Magic Mountain in Santa Clarita) and the air temperature was 114. It must have been brutal at the theme park. (in fact, when we passed by there on the way home at 7:30 it was still 105.)

Santa Paula was a little cooler (around 90), but my father-in-law does not have air conditioning and we spent the day sweating and trying to sit in front of fans. It was a great visit, but I couldn't wait to get back in some air conditioning. I nearly froze everybody out in the car on the way home.

I like air conditioning...a lot. As long as I have a cool house, cool car, or cool office to work in, global warming can bring it on.

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