HolyCoast: Is DeLay Going to Make A Comeback
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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Is DeLay Going to Make A Comeback

Tom DeLay resigned from the House and under the election rules in Texas, wanted his name removed from the ballot in November. The Dems sued to keep his name on the ballot because they'd rather run against a guy who's not running, than a guy who is. An idiot judge ruled that DeLay's name must remain on the ballot even though he no longer lives in Texas and can legally be removed from the ballot under those circumstances.

DeLay is mad, and if his name must remain on the ballot, he may just ramp up a campaign and take it to them:
Former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay suggested Friday that he may not be ready for retirement just yet, a day after a federal judge ruled that his name must remain on the November ballot even though he resigned from Congress.

DeLay, who came home to Sugar Land for a previously scheduled event, also criticized U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks' ruling that the former House majority leader's name had to remain on the ballot.

"For this guy to say he can't tell where I'm going to be on Election Day, and that I am forced to be on the ballot, well, they may get exactly what they want," DeLay told supporters to raucous applause. Sparks is a Democrat appointed by Republican former President George Bush.

Later, reporters asked Delay if he now planned to run. He didn't say no.

"We have to wait and see what the 5th Circuit does on appeal," he said.

I'm not sure the Dems want to face a fired-up DeLay after all, and may have made a big mistake by challenging his placement on the ballot.

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