HolyCoast: A Kiss is Just a Kiss...
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Friday, July 14, 2006

A Kiss is Just a Kiss...

The photo below was taken following President Bush's 2005 State of the Union Address:

Believe it or not, this picture is the justification that many on the wacky left are using to try and throw Joe Lieberman out of the Senate:
In today's intense Democratic politics in Connecticut, "The Kiss" does not refer to great works of art. Speak of "The Kiss" and you conjure up an embrace immediately after the President's State of the Union address in January 2005. The embrace was between George Bush and the state's junior senator, Joe Lieberman. A better name for it would be the kiss of Judas - or the kiss of death.

Mr Lieberman is one of the Democratic Party's grandees, a vice-presidential candidate in 2000 who, two years later, ran for President. Today, however, he is in the fight of his life; a senator of 18 years standing who must endure the ignominy of a primary against a dangerous challenger who has built his campaign on his opposition to the war in Iraq.

The candidate himself remembers his brush with Bush slightly differently. " I don't think he kissed me," he told Time magazine. "He leaned over, gave me a hug, and said, 'Thank you for being a patriotic American.'"

But in anti-Bush and anti-war Connecticut, the dispute is academic. Bush's alleged words only remind voters of Mr Leiberman's still unwavering support for the invasion of 2003.

"He's a Republican mole in the Democratic party," says Pravil Banker, director of a financial company and a man who in other circumstances might be a natural Lieberman supporter.

"He's the guy who goes on [Republican-supporting] Fox News. He's the tame Democrat that even conservatives can stomach.

"He's too much a part of the Washington establishment. We must have someone who's in touch with us."

"Yeah, we want someone like Crazy Ned Lamont, the Johnny One-Note of Connecticut! He's like us!!!!!!!!!," says the wacky lefty while wiping the drool from his shirt.

Good luck with all that....

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