HolyCoast: Missiles Flying in California Governor's Race
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Friday, July 07, 2006

Missiles Flying in California Governor's Race

Dem Phil Angelides has hired Bob Mulholland as a senior advisor, a move he's sure to regret. Mulholland is little more than a bomb thrower who decided to compare Gov. Arnold to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il in a very juvenile way (from Drudge):
Bob Mulholland, senior advisor to Democratic nominee Phil Angelides, aims for controversy this morning, saying: "With North Korea leader Kim Jong-Il back in the news, it reminds me that he and Schwarzenegger have something in common. Both have their shoes specifically made to add a couple inches of lift. What we don’t know is does Kim Jong-Il have his shoes made by Schwarzenegger’s shoemaker in Italy."

If this is the level of debate we can expect from Angelides and his team, Arnold will cruise to an easy victory.

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