HolyCoast: Perky Katie: I'm Not Gunga Dan
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Friday, July 21, 2006

Perky Katie: I'm Not Gunga Dan

Many TV anchors have been flying over to the Middle East to anchor their broadcasts live from the scene of the conflict. It's a time honored tradition among TV newsreaders.

However, the Perky Katie Couric, soon to take the helm of CBS News, won't be joining them:
Katie Couric, who takes over the CBS Evening News in September told Access Hollywood that at this point, she would not venture into the Middle East hot spot.

"I think the situation there is so dangerous, and as a single parent with two children, that's something I won't be doing," Katie said.

I can't really fault her for that choice. I just wonder if CBS will want to be the only news network without a high profile anchor on the scene.

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