HolyCoast: Rove Kids the Wealthy on the Death Tax
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rove Kids the Wealthy on the Death Tax

White House aide Karl Rove (you remember him - he was supposed to be indicted in the Vicki Plame case according to the moonbats) gave a speech recently in Aspen, CO for a bunch of fatcats, and according to this report by John Fund, kept them on their toes:
White House aide Karl Rove tangled with the jet-set audience at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado on Sunday and gave as good as he got. When he was asked a skeptical question about Republican attempts to kill the death tax, Mr. Rove tried to point out that the major beneficiaries of its demise would be small and medium-sized businesses and farms rather than the truly wealthy who can easily afford estate planning.

When the audience groaned with displeasure at his remark, Mr. Rove responded: "With all due respect to the people who fly in and out of Aspen on your jets, hey, you've got accountants and smart-thinking guys who can help you construct your estates so it has a nominal [tax] impact. Good for you." After that riposte, there were no further questions on inheritance taxes.


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