HolyCoast: "Truth, Justice, and All That Stuff"
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Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Truth, Justice, and All That Stuff"

James Lileks has a bone to pick with the producers of the new Superman movie. In the past the Superhero always fought for "truth, justice and the American way". Not in this movie:
Outrage of the summer: The new "Superman" movie edited out "The American Way" from the Krypton immigrant's rally cry. The Daily Planet editor says Supe's now all about "Truth, Justice and all that stuff."

Makes perfect sense. Consider the foreign markets, where "The American Way" means Abu Ghraib and McDonald's. Don't remind them! They might burn the theater. (If that's their way.) Besides, it makes sense to have a newspaper editor treat the line with gruff dismissal, because hard-bitten editors don't get starry-eyed over patriotic hogwash. Except when discussing the people's right to know the GPS coordinates of Superman's fort.

As it turns out, however, the omission was intentional. "The American Way" sounds Krypto-fascist. The movie's authors are the usual moderns, serenely above rude jingo pride: "We were always hesitant to include the term 'American way' because the meaning of that today is somewhat uncertain," said co-writer Michael Dougherty. "I think when people say 'American way,' they're actually talking about what the 'American way' meant back in the '40s and '50s, which was something more noble and idealistic."

Read the rest of it. Lileks pretty much demolishes the nostalgia for the 40's and 50's and exposes the producer's decision to skip "the American way" as so much 21st century political correctness.

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