HolyCoast: Billy Graham's Final Days
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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Billy Graham's Final Days

Newsweek has an interesting article on Billy Graham as he lives out the final chapters of an amazing life. Politics, which used to be important to Graham, has become rather unimportant at this stage of life:
And that, in a way, is Billy Graham's last testament. As his days dwindle, the man whose heyday was consumed with preaching and with presidents is increasingly reflective. In interviews with NEWSWEEK in recent months, Graham has made it clear that partisan politics and the culture wars feel far away. He will not offer opinions on stem-cell research, for instance, and he has stopped giving political counsel to the powerful, a habit that began with Eisenhower. He was tempted to call President George W. Bush in the run-up to the Iraq war to advise him on the difference between Sunnis and Shiites, but decided against it.

It's a lengthy article and worth reading. I've heard it said that the only reason Graham is still with us is that the angels have yet to come up with an appropriate welcome. I tend to believe that.

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