HolyCoast: The Failed Presidents Summit
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Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Failed Presidents Summit

In a meeting that has all the significance of a playoff between last place teams, failed former President Jimmuh Carter is going to meet with failed former President of Iran Mohammad Khatami:
For an event that would turn a page in American history, former president Jimmy Carter has agreed in principle to host former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami for talks during his visit to the United States starting this week.

Carter's term as president was dominated by the rupture in relations after the 1979 Iranian revolution and the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, where 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days until the day he left office.

Khatami was no peach either:

Khatami, a reformer who served as president from 1997 to 2005, is scheduled to speak at the Washington National Cathedral on Sept. 7. His schedule may include speeches at the University of Virginia and to an Islamic group in Chicago. He may also pay a private visit to Thomas Jefferson's home at Monticello, according to sources familiar with his trip. He will begin his visit in New York at a U.N. conference on the dialogue of civilizations.

The White House said yesterday that Khatami had been invited by private organizations and is not part of the current Iranian government.

"Mr. Khatami is free to meet with who he chooses and is able to speak freely in the United States -- the very freedoms that do not exist in Iran," a White House official said on the condition of anonymity.

"We expect that Khatami will face tough questions from his audience in the United States about the past and present behavior of the Iranian regime, especially with respect to human rights violations that occurred during his presidency," the official added.

Carter's presidency did not fail because of the Iranian hostage crisis. His presidency failed because of his lack of appropriate response to the hostage crisis. Khatami, meanwhile, entered office as a promised reformer but turned out to be just as much of a zealot as his spiritual leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

I have no use for either one of these guys.

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