HolyCoast: Finally A Resolution in the JonBenet Case
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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Finally A Resolution in the JonBenet Case

Ten years ago the media was filled with reports and speculation on the death of six year old JonBenet Ramsey. I must admit that I, like many others, thought the death resulted from something the parents did (and I suppose there still could be a parental element depending on how the story comes out). After all these years, a suspect has been taken into custody for the murder:
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - A former American school teacher said publicly Thursday he was with JonBenet Ramsey when she was killed and called the 6-year-old's death "an accident," a stunning admission that should help answer 10 years of questions in the unsolved murder case. "I am so very sorry for what happened to JonBenet," he told The Associated Press.

John Mark Karr, 41, will be taken within the week to Colorado, where he will face charges of first degree murder, kidnapping and child sexual assault, Ann Hurst of the Department of Homeland Security told a news conference in Bangkok.

"I was with JonBenet when she died," Karr told reporters afterward, visibly nervous and stuttering as he spoke. "Her death was an accident."

Asked if he was innocent of the crime, Karr said: "No."

If Patsy Ramsey was indeed completely innocent in all of this, it's a shame she didn't live to see this creep caught.

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