HolyCoast: How to Handle Ghoulish Photographers
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Friday, August 04, 2006

How to Handle Ghoulish Photographers

There's been a great deal written this week about the ghoulish photographers who aided and abetted Hezbo as they paraded the bodies of dead children following the bombing in Qana. Little Green Footballs brought back a story from 1900 about how they used to treat photographers like that:
Looters found despoiling the dead were summarily executed by the militia - stood against the nearest wall or pile of debris and shot without the hindrance of a trial. The same brutal justice was delivered to amateur photographers. “Word received from Galveston today indicates that Kodak fiends are being shot down like thieves. Two, it is stated, were killed yesterday while taking pictures of nude female bodies.”

— Dallas News, September 14, 1900.

Sounds like a plan to me.

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