HolyCoast: How to Have Peace in the Middle East
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

How to Have Peace in the Middle East

Dean Barnett, posting at HughHewitt.com, asks a couple of questions which provide the reasons why there is no peace in the Middle East:
1) What would happen if all the Arab nations and their terrorist proxies like Hezbollah set down their arms and gave up their ambitions to drive Israel into the sea?

There would be peace in the Middle East.

2) What would happen if Israel disbanded the IDF, junked its nuclear weapons and declared to its neighbors that she would do anything to live in peace?

Israel would be annihilated, millions of its citizens killed. The term genocide could be used to describe the ensuing holocaust, but since that term has been so hopelessly debased by American academics, a new term would have to be created like super-duper-mega genocide to really capture the nature of things.
I wrote a piece a week or so ago with a similar theme which basically says there will never be peace in the region. You can read it here.

Dean is also a little cranky about the war in Lebanon, and understandibly so:

3) You sound angry. What’s wrong?

Ehud Olmert has proven an utter failure as wartime leader. The world will be reaping the bitter harvest of his catastrophic weakness and vacillations for years.

I fear that Dean is right. Olmert's government may well fall soon after this round of violence stops. Thanks to Olmert's lack of fortitude, the violence will quickly return, this time from a newly rearmed and supplied Hezbo.

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