HolyCoast: The Last Cynthia McKinney Post
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Last Cynthia McKinney Post

I'd really love to believe that this will be the last time I'll ever mention Cynthia McKinney, but with her penchant for outrageous behavior, I'll probably be lucky if there aren't ten more. She attracts problems like excrement draws flies.

I watched some really interesting video on Special Report this afternoon regarding McKinney's evening last night. McKinney recently hired a new security team - the New Black Panther Party. Apparently their motto is "We're Just Like the Old Black Panthers, but Now With More Racism!"

During the brief two or three minute report, Fox showed multiple incidents of racist comments and actions made by McKinney's team. One member called the assembled white reporters "F***ing Crackers", another referred to winner Hank Johnson as "Uncle Tom", and on two different occasions one of McKinney's guards directed anti-Semitic insults at the Fox News producer who happened to be Jewish. Nice bunch of folks.

As I said earlier, McKinney's loss was a win for civilization.

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