HolyCoast: No Pepsi, No Coke
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Friday, August 04, 2006

No Pepsi, No Coke

Not only has HolyCoast been banned in India, so has Pepsi and Coke:
An Indian state has banned the sale of soft drinks as the country's highest court told the US beverage giants Pepsico and Coca-Cola to reveal the ingredients of their products.

"The ban will be in force in all educational institutes, including medical and technical colleges and universities and offenders would be punished," a spokesman from the administration of northern Rajasthan state announced Friday.

He argued that soft drinks producers were required to print statutory warnings on their products.

"Manufacturers are required to print 'not only dangerous for human consumption, but also the quantity of the residues, if any, on each label,'" said spokesman K. Tiwari.

I would think a label which says "dangerous for human consumption" would really put a damper on their sales.

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