HolyCoast: Weekend at Fidel's?
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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Weekend at Fidel's?

This picture appears today on Drudge which is supposed to show Fidel Castro resting comfortably in his hotel suite while reading the August 12th edition of the local paper.

He looks pretty good for a guy in a health crisis, doesn't he. It will be interesting to see what the Photoshop experts have to say about this one.

Given all the celebrations that occurred in Miami when it looked like he had died, you'd think the Cuban officials would want to rush out some video of the Maximum Leader rather than just a cheesy Kodak Easyshare photo. And yet, even though today is his 80th birthday, there still hasn't been any video, and his brother Raul, the Temp Maximum Leader hasn't been seen for nearly 2 weeks. Very curious.

UPDATE: From Fox News, the statement from the Maximum Leader:
In his statement, Castro said his stability has "considerably improved" but added: "To affirm that the recovery period will take a short time and that there is no risk would be absolutely incorrect."

"I ask you all to be optimistic, and at the same time to be ready to face any adverse news," it added.

That sort of reminds me of the old "cat's on the roof" joke. I wonder if Fidel is on the roof?

UPDATE: Raul lives!

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