HolyCoast: Al Gore: Why Didn't I Think of That?
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Monday, September 18, 2006

Al Gore: Why Didn't I Think of That?

Al Gore must really be disturbed as he watches the chaos going on in Mexico right now. Though Al and his lawyers cooked up some pretty good action during the 2000 Florida recount fiasco, he's got to be kicking himself for not thinking of this:
MEXICO CITY — Protesters swarmed Mexico City's huge central square Saturday and proclaimed their leader, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the "legitimate president of Mexico," prolonging the post-electoral crisis that has shaken Mexico for weeks.

"Presidente! Presidente!" shouted the delegates crammed into the plaza, or Zocalo, for the National Democratic Convention.

"I accept the charge of president of Mexico," Lopez Obrador told the euphoric crowd as night fell on the capital. "We don't act out of capriciousness. We act out of dignity."

The former Mexico City mayor, who narrowly lost the July 2 elections, claims the contest was rigged on behalf of the ruling-party candidate, Felipe Calderon. And he has vowed to block his rival from taking office on Dec. 1.

Just think what Gore could have done had he held a giant rally in Palm Beach County and declared himself president.

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