HolyCoast: Bush Slaps Security on the Congressional Table
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bush Slaps Security on the Congressional Table

President Bush came out strongly today, challenging the Congress to pass legislation to authorize the secret CIA prisons and interrogations, and demanding that Congress pass a low authorizing military tribunals for terrorist suspects. He also announced the moving of 14 high value terrorists from secret CIA facilities to Gitmo, and will hold them there until Congress authorizes their trial by military tribunal. Any delays at this point are now squarely the fault of Congress.

This puts security in the forefront of the Congressional schedule for the remaining legislative days leading up the election recess, and delays or obstruction by the Dems will not play well with the public, especially with the chief 9/11 planners sitting 90 miles off the Florida coast awaiting trial.

The state of play as of today: The president and the GOP leaders are calling bin Laden and the terrorists our greatest enemies; the Dems are calling Donald Rumsfeld our greatest enemy. Who's going to win that argument?

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