HolyCoast: Creating a Deeper Cycle of Dependency
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Creating a Deeper Cycle of Dependency

Mayor Michael Bloomberg (RINO-NYC) thinks he's come up with a plan to reduce poverty. Pay poor people out of the city treasury:
Poor New Yorkers who make healthy choices - such as staying in school and regularly seeing the doctor - should be rewarded with cash to help break the cycle of poverty, Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested Monday.

The idea, which has seen success in countries including Brazil and Mexico, developed out of an anti-poverty commission's report released Monday. The commission did not specifically propose using rewards but did suggest the city find innovative ways to help its 1.5 million poor lift themselves out of poverty.

This may mitigate some of the effects of poverty, but it will certainly deepen the cycle of dependency as people grow to rely on these extra dollars from the city coffers. What then will be the motivation to work and earn their own money?

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