HolyCoast: Dem Leaders Act Like First Graders
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dem Leaders Act Like First Graders

Anybody who has ever had kids has had the experience of your young one screaming "Daddy, Daddy, look at me, look at me!!". And until you look, they'll keep screaming.

Harry Red and Nancy Pelosi decided to start screaming "Media, Media, look at us, look at us!!" in a letter they sent to the heads of the broadcast networks. Here's how it wraps up:
Until now, there has been a complete absence of balance in the news coverage of national security issues. Over the last month as campaign efforts have begun in earnest, according to Media Matters, there have been 64 percent more conservatives appearing on the Sunday news shows than Democrats. In a speech that was supposed to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the September 11 tragedy, last night President Bush was given almost 20 minutes of primetime coverage on all major networks for a speech that continued to inaccurately link 9/11 to the war in Iraq.

Congressional Democrats have a wealth of experience, authority, and the ideas as to how we could better secure our nation, combat terrorism, and ensure a significant transition in Iraq. House and Senate leaders hold frequent press conferences and briefings on a wide variety of national security issues ranging from Iraq to border security to the state of our military readiness. Most of these receive scant coverage, even when offering specific alternatives to Administration policies.

In order to provide the American people with complete information to make the best choices come Election Day, we ask that you commit your network to providing fair and equitable coverage to the viewpoints of both Republicans and Democrats on these crucial national security debates.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


NANCY PELOSI, House Democratic Leader

HARRY REID, Senate Democratic Leader

cc: David Westin, ABC News, Sean McManus, CBS News, Jim Walton, CNN, Roger Ailes, FOX News Channel

Please, dear Media, honor their request. The more they talk about security and national defense, the better for the GOP.

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