HolyCoast: Dems: Minimum Wage For Everybody But Our Employees
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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dems: Minimum Wage For Everybody But Our Employees

I love ironic stories like this:
A group that raises money for Democratic Congressional candidates uses a canvassing company that pays some workers submimium wage, in apparent violation of Wisconsin state law, to talk about the need to raise the federal minimum wage, Isthmus newspaper has learned. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), based in Washington, D.C., has hired Grassroots Campaigns, a Boston-based for-profit company with operations in 18 U.S. cities, to conduct canvassing on its behalf. The DCCC's "New Direction for American" agenda, which provides the talkiing points canvassers are taught to use to solicit contributions, includes a call to "Raise the minimum wage."

What's the matter? Don't the Dems want their employees to make a "living wage"?

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