HolyCoast: Dolphin to Get Implants/Democrat Fish Found
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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dolphin to Get Implants/Democrat Fish Found

Winter, a 10-month old bottlenose dolphin who apparently suffers from tail envy, will be getting some self-esteem enhancing tail implants:
A dolphin that lost her tail near Cape Canaveral may be getting a new artificial one.

Winter, a 10-month-old bottlenose dolphin, was found in December and is now being cared for at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

Officials there hope to raise enough money -- about $100,000 -- to help pay for a rare operation so Winter can receive an artificial tail.

She has learned to swim and play without her tail that she lost in crab trap line. Instead of swimming up and down like a regular dolphin, she is swimming from side to side like a shark.
Seriously, though, the dolphin has learned to "swim and play" without the tail. Won't giving her a new $100,000 tail just mess her up?

This will probably go the same way the sea otter did after the Exxon Valdez oil spill that was eaten by a killer whale right after they spent $20,000 cleaning it up. They'll spend 100 grand fixing up the dolphin, and then a month or so later somebody will be picking artificial flipper out of their can of Starkist.

And in other fish news (I know, dolphins aren't fish), scientists have discovered Democrat fish in the Potomac River:
Some species of male fish in the Potomac River and its tributaries are developing female sexual traits at a frequency higher than scientists have seen before...
Yep, they're Democrats.

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